Property Management

Property Management


We charge a flat fee of $99 per property per month.
Owners keep late fee if a tenant pays their rent late.


At Executive Realty, we understand that timely payment on rent is important. We offer several ways for our tenants to pay their rent. They are able to pay with credit/debit cards, we can set up an automatic bill pay with their bank, or they can mail in their rent. We then can set up direct deposit for you with the bank of your choice, at no additional cost.
Realtor giving key
Not only do we focus on rent, we also field all maintenance requests. Whether it is at midnight or later. We have accounts with general contractors including maintenance professionals, plumbers, painters, lawn services, snow removal and cleaners for discounted rates and the ability to be invoiced. We make sure that ALL maintenance requests are handled in a timely manner. We will contact you with any repair prior to service being done. We can also pay the maintenance bills for you as an owner to alleviate any late payment or hassle with the incoming rents. We will send you detailed invoices with your rent statements.

Our inspections of the property are very thorough they and are done at move-in/move-out and every 3 months in between. We will give a detailed report to you of condition and concerns.

We also do all the accounting. We will handle the end of the year CRP’S, monthly accounting statements, and keep track of all of the work that was done with your property.

For Apartment complexes/Associations, please call for a personalized price quote
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